Padma Shri Dr. KAMINI A RAO:
Life Time achievement award from VK BM Healthcare excellence award in the field of women health care from Health minister Dinesh Gundurao and MEM sharprakash Patil.
Received Hon. KCOG Fellowship - 2021, KSOGA Davanagere.
Dr. Kamini Rao was awarded with Distinguished NBE Teacher award by Association of National Board Accredited Institutions on 5th September 2021.
Received CME Excellence Dronacharya Award 2021 for exceptional CME efforts in Gynec/ IVF" Award.
Honoured with the prestigious "Karnataka Vaidya Ratna" Award.
Received this award from Dr. Ashwathnarayan C N, Deputy Chief Minister and S. T. Somashekhar, Minister of state for Co-Operation of Karnataka.
Dr Kamini Rao honoured with a Honorary fellowship in the International Academy of Human Reproduction
Lifetime Achivement award 2019 by FOGSI at AICOG
PATRON and Scientific Committee chairperson AICOG, 2019
Honorary PhD from Bangalore University - 2019
Dr. Kamini A Raohas been conferred theHonorary PhDfrom Bangalore University by the Vice President of India on 22ndApril,2019.
Distinguished NBE TeacherAward from Association of National Board Accredited Institutions, Karnataka on 20thApril 2019
President, Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) for the year 2006-2008.
Chairperson of the FIGO Women's Sexual & Reproductive Rights Committee for the years 2006 to 2009.
India's Representative to the International Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology(FIGO) for the years 2003 to 2006 – First Lady Representative from India & the first person from Karnataka
Padma Shri Dr. KAMINI A RAO :
Dr. Hema Divakar:
Received Life time Achievement award at AICOG Hyderabad
Received Global Asian Award 2020
Organizing chairperson AICOG, 2019 Bengalore
Dr. Hema Divakar first from south India to be selected as chairperson for Well Women Health care committee FIGO.
Dr. Hema Divakar :
2013 – 2014 |
President FOGSI |
2009 - 2011 |
Hon Secretary, ICOG (Indian College of O and G) |
2010 |
President, Karnataka Societies of ObGyn |
2005 |
1990 |
Hon Secretory, BSOG , Bengaluru |
(1) Emergency Obstetric care programme
(2) Technical expert on the hospital accreditation committee for improving
standards of health care delivery systems
(3) Technical and training-in-charge for Skilled Birth attendants training programme
for the southern state of Karnataka
(4) Public private partnership with the Government for managing Primary health
centres and an FRU (First Reference Unit) for maternal healthcare in Karnataka
(5) Strengthening the PPTTC programme and training private healthcare providers
for HIV management in pregnancy
(6) Consultant for PSI – Population Services International – presently working in
the areas of unsafe abortions and IUCD insertions
Gives online training through ECHO INDIA DIGITAL PLATFORM
Dr. Sheela Mane :
Received Hon. Frcog from RCOG acknowledging her dedication and achievement in womens health care
Dr. Sheela Mane received award for her contribution to Womens health at NATCON Kanpur, 21st may 2023
Elected as ICOG Vice Chairperson elect 2022-23
Dr. Sheela Mane was won prize in EM Idol State Karoke doctors singing competition on 24th October 2021.
Dr. Sheela Mane was received EXCELLENCE IN HEALTH CARE AWARD from BBMP 23rd October 2021.
Organizing secretary for AICOG, 2019 Bangalore
Organizing chairperson for optimizing obstetric outcome conference , 2019
Dr. Sheela Mane received Naari Shiromani award from FOGSI at Lucknow AICOG 2020
IMSCON 2020 scientific chairperson
Dr. Sheela Mane, is elected as ICOG Governing council member
President, Bangalore menopause society 2020
Received MS Signature award for Phenomenal Leadership in providing High quality EMOC services,
Pioneer for developing skills training for the surgical methods of PPH management
Dr. Sheela Mane :
Dr. Nagarathnamma R
Dr. Nagarathnamma was conferred with KICOG Fellowship at KSOGA 2022
honoured with best Teacher award by IMA 2022
was felicitated by RRMCH on the occasion of Doctors day celebration 2022
Dr. Nagarathnamma R is elected as Chairperson, Breast committee, KSOGA
Organising Chairperson of AICOG 2019 Registration Committee,Chairperson of IMSCON Conferance 2020,President BSOG 2019- 2020.
Received KSOGA Best Society Award for BSOG for the year 2019 -2020
Convener of Urogynaecology Workshop in AICOG 2019
Felicitation to Dr. Nagarathnamma by Sathyasai Foundation at chikkaballapur on 17th November 2019
Dr. Pushpa Srinivas :
Dr. Pushpa Srinivas was honoured with Smt R V Kamalanjini Award for Teaching Excellance by Arya Vysha Officials & Professionals Association on 5th September 2024
Dr pushpa srinivas being honoured by Mrs Vimla narsimhan governors wife telengana at Indian menopause society South zone conference on 17 th august 2019 at Hyderabad Selected from karnataka society
Dr. Pushpa Srinivas :
Dr. Sunanda Kulkarni
Dr. Sunanda Kulkarni is awarded with Life time achievement award from BSOG on 7th April 2024
Mahila Vaidyaratna Award
Find the link
Dr. Vidya Bhat :
Dr. Vidya Bhat received Golden AIM Awards for Excellence and Leadership in Healthcare - 22nd September 2020
Havyak Samaj: Havyak Rathna Award 2019
Economic Times: Best Endoscopic Surgeon (South India) 2019
AICOG 2019, treasurer
AICOG 2019, Best Paper: CS Dawn Prize for Endoscopy
Dr. Vidya Bhat Winning the ET Awards for Best Endoscopic surgeon South – October 4th 2019
Dr. Shobha N Gudi :
Felicitated by FOGSI ICOG leadership for work done past year on webinars based on family welfare🙏Thanks to Dr Hrishikesh Pai Dr Lakshmi Srikhande Dr Ashok Kumar Dr Parag Biniwale and other ICOG office bearers
Received Hon. KCOG Fellowship - 2021, KSOGA Davanagere.
Dr. Shobha N Gudi was received EXCELLENCE IN HEALTH CARE AWARD from BBMP 23rd October 2021
Dr. Shobha Gudi elected as EC Member KSOGA 2020-22
Dr. Shobha N Gudi was felicitated with CHAMPION of FOGSI - 2020 at Lucknow for her committee work in FOGSI
Gave Prestigious BSOG Oration 2019-20
Dr. Shobha Gudi is elected as ICOG Governing council member,
Dr. Shobha Gudi was Organising secretary IMSCON 2020
Scientific committee chairperson , AICOG 2019.
Organizing secretary for optimizing obstetric outcome conference , 2019
Dr. Shobha N Gudi Achivements:
Dr. Narayanan and Dr. Gomathy :
Instituted Gold medal for the student securing first rank in MS in ObGyn at RGUHS.
Instituted Prize for annual BSOG Undergraduate Quiz.
Work shop Committee chairpersons for AICOG 2019.
Doctors Day BC Roy Award, Shimoga 2018.
KSOGA Award for outstanding service, Bellary 2019.
Active participation in BSOG Academic and Cultural events.
Dr Narayanan R:
Dr Gomathy N:
Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar :
Life time achievement award from FOGSI
Selected for FOGSI Late D Kutty Life Time Achievement Award 2024
Awarded "Rising Star" ISAR 2024
Felicitated by Infertility Committee and Endometriosis Committee, at AICOG Hyderabad 2024
She was honoured by Karnataka Cancer Society - on 55th Founders Day - 0n 23rd September 2023
Honored with Golden Aim Award under Health Care Sector, (its Pan Karnataka Jury award) 21/2/2023
Privileged and honored to receive the prestigious M S Signature International Dr. Thomas F Burke Synergy for Global Innovations and Human Rights award 2021, on 1st October 2021 from the hands of Dr. Himanshu Bhushan, Deputy Commissioner Mrs. Krithika Kulhari and also in online presence of Union Road and transport minister Sri. Nitin Gadkari and Dr. Thomas Burke.
Received Karnataka state Government award on 10th March 2021 from Mrs. Shashikala Jolle, Women and Children development cabinet minister on the occasion of international women's day.
Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar is elected as Chairperson, Infertility, ART committee, KSOGA.
Felicitated by FOGSI endocrinology committee at AICOG 2020.
Recieved " Wonder FOGSIAN award " in 2019, from Dr. Nandita Palshetkar.
Sunpure superwoman award, 2019.
Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar has more than 50 Radio and TV free talks.
Datti Upanyasa followed by Award from Kannada SAhitya Parishat
Bharatha Mahila Shreshta RAthna Prashasthi
Award from Karunada Sene
State Award from women and children cabinet minister, Mrs. Shashikala Jolle
Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar Achivements:
Dr. Padmini Prasad :
Life time achievement from Vijayakarnataka
Elected as Vice President of Council of Sex Education and Parenthood International CSEPI 2023
Member of Ethical committee of International society of Sexual medicine ISSM 2023.
Dr. Padmini Prasad received best committee award from KSOGA 2022
Dr. Padmini Prasad was conferred with KICOG Fellowship at KSOGA 2022
Dr Padmini President elected as Chairperson for Family welfare of India
Founder President - " Bharavase" Charitable Trust
Dr Padmini Prasad received appreciation award from FOGSI for conducting maximum number of program 2021-22
Dr. Padmini Prasad was received EXCELLENCE IN HEALTH CARE AWARD from BBMP 23rd October 2021
Dr. Padmini Prasad received KAMOTSAVA AWARD 2020 GOA
One of her books was converted and released as audio book for the sake of visually challenged people by Karnataka state government blind workers association on 30th June 2020
Newsletter on sexual health an overview was released online in FOGSI MCM on 24TH MAY 2020 .
Dr. Padmini Prasad elected as Secretary Council of sex education and parenthood international CSEPI India - 2019
Dr. Padmini Prasad Achivements:
Dr. Jyothika A Desai
Dr. Jyothika Desai is chairperson of Website committee IMS She was conferred with Best Committee Award from IMS 2023.
Dr. Susheela Rani B S
Felicitated with Distinguished Teacher award by BSOG 2020
Scientific Chairperson for IMSCON, Bangalore 2020.
Delivered BSOG Oration in the year 2009-2010
Dr. Vidyamani L
Received Life Time Achievement Award from BSOG 2019
Dr. Vidyamani L Achivements:
Dr. Latha Venkataraman
Life Time Achievement award - 2021, BSOG
Founder of Rangadore Hospital
First one in India to have both MRCOG and MRCP
During her presidential year EMOC CHARTS AND KITS were supplied to members and government hospitals
First to set up COVID Labour ward and theatre 2020 at Rangdore Hospital even before government hospital
Successfully handling rural health hospital , AKN TRUST HOSPITAL at Jigani for more than 15 years
Had set up SAMRAKSHA - a well women clinic to commercial sex workers at Majestic
ISRO Women Achiever award 2016
Sagar Award 2018
Latha was felicitated at Vijaywada society and delivered oration on first trimester window of
opportunity 15th-dec-19
Delivered BSOG oration in the year 2007-08
Dr. B. Ramesh
Dr. Parimala Devi
Honored with Golden Aim Award under Health Care Sector, (its Pan Karnataka Jury award) 21/2/2023
Received Aryabhatta Award from State Government
Dr. Malini K V
honoured with best Teacher award by IMA 2022
Joint Secretary and Workshop Incharge AICOG 2019
Distinguished teacher award bsog 2018
Dr. L. Krishna
B.C.Roy Award
Distinguished Alumni award from JNMC Belagaum for FIRST ALUMNUS to occupy the post of Principal of a medical college & for his outstanding contribution to the field of medicine.
President BSOG 1996-97
Dr. Mohini N Prasad
Founder Secretary of IMS Bangalore Chapter
Dr. Prakash Mehta
He was the first president to deliver BSOG oration in the year 2004-2005
Dr. Arulmozhi Ramarajan
Delivered BSOG oration in the year 2008-09
Dr. Venkatesh N
He designed Venkatesh's Vectus Forceps
He was recipient of RCOG Young Gynaecologist award 1994
Delivered BSOG Oration in the year 2011-2012
Dr. Jayanti T
Felicitation to Past President Dr. Jayanthy by Sathyasai Foundation at chikkaballapur on 17th November 2019
Delivered BSOG Oration in the year 2016-2017
Dr. Jayanthy T
President BSOG 2015-16
Was senate member , RGUHS
Was member UG Board of Studies
Local inspector LIC
Member , Flying Squad for malpractice committee
Member Examination reforms committee
Prize for Best paper at KSOGA 2009 & 2012
Prize at International conference on Emergency Obstetrics 2011
Member of Government School program
Recipient of Kengal Hanumanthiah Award 2002
Honoured by Shivakumar Swamy, Siddanganga Mutt for health camp and community activities
Actively participate in activities of the society like Fashion Show, Fancy Dress, Dances, Antakshari(kannada), Concerts, Entertainment programmes
She was athelet and nicknamed as PT Usha, have many laurels in athletics.
Dr. Sheela C.N
Delivered BSOG Oration in the year 2017-2018
She was instrumental in releasing BSOG Constitution book.
She was president BSOG 2016-2017
Dr. Sheela C N received
BEST Society Award from Rotary Club ,
Dr. Chandrika Muralidhar
Dr. Chandrika Muralidhar was conferred with KICOG fellowship at KSOGA 2022
Dr. Chandrika Muralidhar was won 1st prize in EM Idol State Karoke doctors singing competition on 24th October 2021 and selected to participate in national levels finals on 13th November 2021.
Delivered BSOG Oration in the year 2018-2019
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Dr. Thejavathy G V
Dr. Tejavathy received BEST Society Award from Rotary Club , 2017
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Dr. Srinivas K
Honoured with visiting professorship of ICOG 2018-2019
Dr. Ashakiran T R
Young Speaker Award Madurai
Dr. Lavanya Kiran
Dr. Lavanya Kiran was felicitated with WONDER FOGSIAN AWARD 2019
Dr. Lavanya announced as Proctor in Robotics by Robotics surgeons council of India – 19th November 2019
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Dr. Vyshnavi A Rao
VAIDYA RATNA Young Achiever AWARD from Akhila Karnataka Vipra Vanita Pratisstana, in Feb 2019, Bangalore
Dr. Punyavathi C Nagaraj
Dr Punyavathi C Nagaraj was the recipient of the prestigious award from the Sri Adichunchanagiri Matt ...
Dr. Anuradha Paramesh
Dr. Anuradha Paramesh is conferred with Achievers award - IMA Women doctors wing - 2022.
Dr. Anuradha paramesh is conferred with IMA National President's Appreciation award for the Best adjudged president of a local branch - 2022
Received IMA National President's Appreciation Award for "Women for Best Social Activity"
Took charge as president IMA Bangalore branch - 2021.
Dr Anuradha Paramesh has been elected as vice president IMAB - 2019
Dr. Indukala
DR. INDUKALA – Awarded BY AGOI Karnataka Chapter 2019
Dr. Aruna Muralidhar
Dr. Aruna muralidhar ran Bangalore half marathon of 21K 13th October 2019 and won a medal
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Dr. Mahesh Koregal
Awarded "Rising Star" from ISAR 2024
won Prestigious Dr CS Dawn Prize for the Research Paper Presentation at AICOG 2024 at Hyderabad.
Dr. Mahesh Koregol received best committee award from KSOGA 2022
Dr. Mahesh Koregol is elected as Chairperson, IVF Endocrinology Committee, KSOGAbr>
EC member of ISSAR Karnataka chapter 2019
Mahesh Koregol was felicitated at KSOGA 2019
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Dr. Uma Sheshageri
Dr. Uma Seshagiri - For Exemplary Work as Imab President 2014-16 By IMAB
Dr. Revathi Rajan
Dr. Revathi Rajan felicitated as Yuva Speaker in YUVA FOGSI south zone 2016
Dr. Shanthala Kumari
A five Page Interview was published in Galaxies is a well-known magazine in French, , which is partly dedicated to Indian sci- Fi scenario.
Click to View
First book '3019 AD' got its second award this year while my second book ' ಬಾನಂಚಿನ ಆಚೆ ' ( anthology of science fiction stories) got released in the Venue by Kishore Alva in the presence of incoming & outgoing IMA (KSB) presidentsDr. Shanthala was honoured on her Book Release at Mudubidre on 29th October 2022
Click to View
Delivered a talk in Bangalore Literature festival 2021 on Sc-Fi Novel 3019AD - (19th December 2021)
Click to View
Click to View
She displayed her paintings in Chitrakala Parishad - 4-7th December 2021
Her SciFi story, "The Stork arrives" has won the 2nd prize in the contest conducted by The Science Reporter magazine which is published by CSIR ( Council of Scientific & Industrial Research of GOI) 2021
Published book 3019 , February 2021 click to view
Authored Kannada Science Fiction "3019AD" is being launched on digital platform- MyLang Digital Books in January alongside 2 other famous Kannada authors -
Conceptualization, editing of video of lamp lighting during April -Lockdown 2020 click here for the link
1st PrizeWinner of FOGSI VAWG Skit Competition - 22nd November 2020 - Editor of the skit
presented talk on Medical Scenario of the future in 19th International Science fiction conference on December 2020
Dr. Rani Bhat
RAS women in India click here to view
Dr. Sundari N
Felicitated with BSOG Life Time achievement Award 2022 .
Felicitated with BSOG Distinguished Teacher Award.
Dr. Indira Prasad
Dr. Indira Prasad life member of BSOG introduced two awards for the books written in kannada by doctor community in the memory of her husband - 29th October 2022, at 68th Statelevel conference IMA Mudabidre
click here to view
Dr. Chandana Bhat
Dr. Chandana Bhat participated and won first prize in Grand finale of the PCOS Quizes, organised by PCOS society at Mumbai, She also won a cash prize of 1 Lakh .
Dr. Arathi Sreedhara
eceived the award by Music Director of Kannada movies, Mr Vitla Manohar (Janumada Jodi fame)at A MUSICAL MARATHON- World record, organised by Appu music academy at Lalitha Kala Academy, Yeshwanthpur
70 singers from across Karnataka
Sung in 7 different languages
Nonstop singing for 72 hours!!
29th December 2023 11 AM to 1st Jan 2024 11AM
Dr. Ramya V R - I Prize - Infertility - Dr Jagadishwari Misra Prize
Dr. Suvarchala Katakam I Prize - Dr. C S Dawn Prize (Gynaecological Oncology)
Dr. Vedavathy Nayak - I Prize - Dr. C S Dawn Prize (Infertility)
SKIT - 1ST PRIZE - SKIT PARTICIPANTS - Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar, Dr. Shubha Rama Rao, Dr. Prathima Radhakrishna, Dr. Sriprada Vinekar. Dr. Ratna Sreenivasan, concept, Director, Editing - Dr. Shanthala
ESSAY - 1ST PRIZE - Dr. Priyanka Dilip Kumar
SLOGAN - 1ST PRIZE - NON FOGSI CATEGORY - Ms. Nitya, Daughter of Dr. Jyothsna Madan
SKIT - 3RD PRIZE - DR Padmasri & TEAM
- Dr. Sahana Manjunath (KIMS) received 2nd prize for paper presentation at KSOGA 2022
- Dr. Sr. Thersa from St. Johns Medical college and Hospital won 1st prize in poster presentation at KSOGA 2019
-Dr. Shantala Tupanna was Honored with Golden Aim Award under Health Care Sector, (its Pan Karnataka Jury award) 21/2/2023
-Dr. Shailaja N was honoured with Honored with Golden Aim Award under Health Care Sector, (its Pan Karnataka Jury award) 21/2/2023
-Dr Nagamani and Dr. Shashikala got the Second and third Position in Certified Indian Menopause Society Practitioners (CIMP) EXAM.Received the Certificate and Prize at National Conference of INDIAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETY at CALICUT on 19 th Feb 2023
- Dr. Sahana Girish from RRMCH won best paper under CS Dawan Prize at AICOG Kolkata
- Dr. Riya Dutta
from St. Philomenas Hospital
Second prize Free paper Presentation at AICOG Kolkata 2023
Dr. Amarendranath Dan prize category
- Dr. K V Malini, Dr. Nagarathnamma, Dr. Krishna were felicitated by IMA Bangalore Chapter on the occasion of Teachers Day 2022
- Dr. Anchal Gulati is awarded with the Certificate of Commendation from National Board of Examinations on 1/9/2022
- Dr. Narayanswamy is honoured with best teacher award by IMA 2022
- Dr. Manjula Patil won prize in EM Idol State Karoke doctors singing competition on 24th October 2021
- Dr. Kshama Kamath won prize in EM Idol State Karoke doctors singing competition on 24th October 2021
- Dr. Spandana from RRMCH received 1st Prize for Poster presentation titled "Brain Meningioma" Postpartum convulsions. at KVG"s National E-Conference 2020
- Dr. Nivedita Reshme
Assistant Professor, department of OBG,.Ramaiah medical college and hospital,Bangalore.
Have represented the state women's cricket team Karnataka for a period of 7 years at junior,subjunior n senior level..presently elected a state selector for Karnataka women's cricket team under 16 and under 19.
selected for RGUHS team in basket ball,district level in thowball n discuss throw..also play various sports like badminton,skating,tennis,TT various field n track events and also got the best outgoing sportsperson from Ramaiah Hospital
Also interested in poetry writing n recently published one in college newsletter on covid .
certified ECLS senior trainer at present.