Nominations are invited for the following posts

Sl No




President Elect 2023-24

1 post


Vice President 2023-24

1 post


Hon. Secretary 2023-24

1 post


Hon. Treasurer 2023-24

1 post


Joint Secretary 2023-24

1 Post


Joint Treasurer 2023-24

1 post


Executive Committee Members 2022-23

9 posts


Online Nomination open

 5th October 2022, 9.00 am

Online Nomination Close

17th October 2022, 5.00 pm

Withdrawal of the Nomination

20th October 2022, 5.00 pm

Online Voting open and Live

23rd October 2022, 9.00 am

Online Voting Close

26th October 2022, 5.00 pm

Counting of Votes

27th October 2022

Declaration of results

27th October 2022 evening

Provision for recounting after submitting written objection by contestant.

28th October 2022

Final declaration

30th October 2022


1. All entries in the nomination paper should be in capital letters.
2. Nominee/Proposer/Seconder should be full members (not Postgraduates / associate members) of the society and should have registered before 31stMarch 2022
3. Eligibility to vote is restricted to full members (not Postgraduates / associate members) of the society who have registered before 31st March 2022
4.Only Vice Presidents can contest for President Elect must have completed the previous post by 31st of March of subsequent year.
5. Member who has completed both Secretary & Treasurer post will be eligible to contest for Vice President must have completed the previous post by 31st of March of subsequent year.
6. Eligibility for Secretary post is treasurer, Jt secretary or Jt treasurer can contest for secretary post. Must have completed the previous post by 31st of march of subsequent year.
7. Eligibility for Treasurer post is Secretary, Jt Secretary or Jt Treasurer can contest for Treasurer post. Must have completed the previous post by 31st of march of subsequent year.
8.Contestants for the post of Hon. Jt. Secretary / Hon. Jt. Treasurer, must have completed at least 2 terms as Executive committee member by 31st of march of subsequent year
9. Members who have completed Secretary and Treasurerpost cannot contest for Jt. Secretary & Jt. Treasurer's post.
10. Members who have completed Vice President Post cannot contest for Secretary /Treasurer /Jt. Secretary &/Jt. Treasurer's post.
11. Members who have completed three years in EC cannot apply for EC again. They can apply for Jt. Secretary / Jt. Treasurer Posts or can take a break for two or more years and apply for EC or any higher posts.
12. The members contesting for the post of EC member, must have completed 3 years of full membership after the completion of post-graduation.
13. Election Process: Election can be virtual/ Physical. If election is physical the presence of all the contestant during elections is mandatory, unless there is an emergency or a valid reason, in which case the Election officers needs to be informed of the absence by mail to the office.
14. The Election Officers cannot nominate or vote. The president however can exercise his/her vote only in case of tie.
15. The candidate should obtain the acknowledgement for the submission of the Nomination form.
16. The Proposer and Seconder cannot nominate more than two candidates.
It is the responsibility of the nominee to ensure that due procedures have been followed and nomination filing is complete. The Election Commission will reject non eligible as well as incomplete and improperly filled forms.
17. The election of the office bearers of the society and the Executive committee shall be held by electronic voting/ Physical. Nomination paper and E-Voting link will be sent to your emails. Each member will get chance to vote only once. E-ballot paper once submitted will be final. Office secretary can be contacted during office hours for technical help.
18. In case no nominations are received for any particular post/posts, floor nominations will be called for.

General Instructions for all the posts:

1. Any member (ANNUAL & Life Member who has completed 3 years of membership) can hold the post of EC member only for three terms.
2. If the elected member is absent for more than 3 months in EC meetings and or BSOG activities that member cannot continue in the Executive committee.
3. If any elected member drops out without an acceptable reason to the EC he/she is barred from contesting for election for 2 years.
4. If the elected member resigns with acceptable reason the member will be allowed to contest in subsequent years election.
5. There is no restriction on number of times for a candidate to contest for any post with previous unsuccessful attempts.
6. Office bearers cannot apply for EC member post.
7. Secretary & Treasurer cannot apply for Joint Secretary and joint Treasurer posts.
8. No repeat application allowed for the same post of office bearers
9. Floor nomination for EC member can be considered if no contestant available
10. Floor nomination from EC member can be considered if no contestant available for Jt. Secretary or Jt. Treasurer
11. For any vacant post, floor nomination will be called for and the candidate must fulfil the criteria of particular posts